1a Reunió Anual de l'estudi del Future Circular Collider (CERN)

Sou a: Inici / Actualitat / AGENDA / Esdeveniments Externs / 1a Reunió Anual de l'estudi del Future Circular Collider (CERN)
Mar 23, 2015 a 08:30 a
Mar 27, 2015 a 19:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
Washington Marriott Georgetown - Washington, DC USA
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This first Annual Meeting of the Future Circular Collider study is an important milestone to conclude the first, exploratory phase, leading to the identification of the baseline for the further study. Organized as an IEEE conference, it will provide the opportunity for re-enforcing the cohesion of the community and to catalyse cross-fertilization within the FCC study.

Registration is open till 5th January (early bird) and 16th February (late registration deadline).

Further information

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