ALBA II Colloquium #8 - "Applications of synchrotron high-energy diffraction"

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Ren Yang (ANL/APS)
Mar 22, 2021
de 16:00 a 17:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
ALBA (virtual event by Zoom)
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The availability of high-brilliance high-energy X-rays has significantly advanced the field of materials research, especially for in-situ/operando studies of advanced materials in real time and realistic conditions. In this talk, the advantage, uniqueness and importance of high-energy X-ray diffraction and its applications in structural characterization of a large variety of materials of both fundamental and technological interest will be introduced. Some examples on rechargeable batteries, transforming metals and alloys, industrial critical components, additive manufacturing etc. will be presented. Future perspectives of high-energy X-ray techniques with the APS-upgrade will be discussed. 



About ALBA II Colloquium

The series ALBA II Colloquium, addressed to the scientific user's community of synchrotron radiation, is aimed at inspiring and promoting fruitful ideas and information exchange about the future development of ALBA II facility.

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