Magnetic coupling in highly-ordered Fe3O4/NiO systems – A Study by Photoemission Microscopy using Soft X-Rays

Sou a: Inici / Actualitat / AGENDA / Esdeveniments Públics d'ALBA / Magnetic coupling in highly-ordered Fe3O4/NiO systems – A Study by Photoemission Microscopy using Soft X-Rays
By Ingo Krug
Mai 09, 2019
de 15:00 a 16:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
ALBA Synchrotron, Marie Curie Meeting Room
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Single crystalline transition metal oxides are model systems for studying mutual magnetic interactions accross an interface in microscopic detail. In this talk, a study will be presented which employs various types of magnetic dichroism to corroborate the magnetic structure of an antiferromagnet (NiO) coupled to a single crystalline Fe3O4 substrate in various crystalline orientations of the interface. A method will be described to use X-Ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism (XMLD) to correctly determine the antiferromagnet’s spin axis orientation. Hereby it is important to take into account the magnetic and crystalline structure.

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