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ALBA II Colloquium #2 - "The Diamond Upgrade: Diamond-II"

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The Diamond Upgrade: Diamond-II, by Andrew Dent (Diamond Light Source)
Feb 08, 2021 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
ALBA (virtual event by Zoom)
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The UK Light Source Diamond has established itself in over fourteen years of operation as a world-class synchrotron, enabling research by leading academic and industrial groups in physical and life sciences. However, the technology for light sources, including detectors, optics and scientific computing, is developing at a tremendous pace and Diamond must take advantage of this if it is to continue to provide first-class opportunities to meet the scientific and societal challenges of the future. For the last few years we have been investigating several paths for a possible upgrade to Diamond. This is driven by a joint assessment of the science capabilities opened by a very low emittance ring and the machine design that will underpin them. This presentation outlines plans for a new storage ring to be built within the existing footprint and offering more than a 20-fold increase in brightness, with much enhanced coherence and a higher ring energy. In addition the MBA machine design includes the concept of “mid-section straights” which introduce more high performance insertion device beamlines, replacing what were bending magnet beamlines with a new tailored ID’s as well as providing flexibility for implementing new beamlines to be installed to allow for a future increase in capacity. The design has passed CDR (CD1) and is currently working towards a TDR at the end of 2021. I will outline the concepts behind Diamond-II, the progress so far on new beamlines and the current timescales.