ALBA II Colloquium #15 - "Why cryoEM is revolutionizing structural biology?"

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Israel Sánchez Fernández (IBMB-CSIC)
Jun 14, 2021
de 11:00 a 12:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
ALBA (virtual event by Zoom)
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Understanding biological processes requires visualization of biological macromolecules. Due to the complexity and fragility of biological components, direct application to biological samples of approaches developed for material sciences can be difficult or directly impossible. However, several of these techniques were successfully adapted to the study of macromolecules, providing atomic resolution information of biological processes of maximum importance. Two techniques, X-ray crystallography of biomolecules as well as biomolecular NMR, where the workhorses in structural biology. However, since the introduction around 2013 of direct electron detectors, cryoEM has experimented an exponential growth both in quantity and quality of structures of biological macromolecules solved by this methodology, including high resolution structures of macromolecules in cell. In this presentation, I will summarize why cryoEM is projected to be the dominant technique in structural biology as well as present an example of the capabilities of this technique through my work visualizing how RNAs of viral origin highjack ribosomes from the host cell.  



About ALBA II Colloquium

The series ALBA II Colloquium, addressed to the scientific user's community of synchrotron radiation, is aimed at inspiring and promoting fruitful ideas and information exchange about the future development of ALBA II facility.

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