Usted está aquí: Inicio / Actualidad / EVENTOS / Eventos Públicos de ALBA / HERCULES EUROPEAN SCHOOL
Neutrons and synchrotron radiation for science
Mar 31, 2019 a 09:00 a
Abr 07, 2019 a 10:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
Maxwell Auditorium, ALBA
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+33(0)4 76 88 79 86 / 07 87 82 08 42
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The Hercules European School opens its doors during a month, for providing training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories. It has been coordinated by the Université Grenoble Alpes.

From the 31st March to 7th April, some sessions will be held at ALBA Synchrotron, Barcelona. It will have two types of sessions, the first one about Physics and chemistry of condensed matter and the second one, about Biomolecular structure and dynamics. Some ALBA staff will participate as speakers.

The language of the course is English and it will take place from 18th March to 19th April.

Find attached the poster and the program that will be carried out in ALBA.