Hugues Monard - LAL (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)


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Francis Pérez

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ThomX is a Compton source project in the range of the hard X rays (40 - 90 keV)

. The machine is composed of an injector Linac and a storage ring where an electron bunch collides with a laser pulse accumulated in a FabryPerot resonator. The final goal is to provide an X-rays average flux of 10e11-10e13 ph/s. The emitted flux will be characterized by a dedicated X-ray line. Different users are partners in the ThomX project, especially in the area of medical science and cultural heritage. Their main goal will be the transfer of all the experimental techniques developed on big synchrotron rings to these more compact and flexible machines. The commissioning of ThomX is foreseen for next year, 2017.