The dichroism end-station consists of a UHV-compatible cryomagnet(Scientific Magnetics Ltd). The samples are in a UHV environment with a base pressure of the order of <1x10-10 mbar, and mount on a sample holder attached to the cold finger of a variable temperature cryostat (3 K - 350 K). The sample insert is electrically insulated in order to perform drain current measurements. Four additional electrical contacts are provided on the sample holder for 4-probe measurements.
The magnet consists on a set of three orthogonal superconducting split-coils allowing maximum fields of up to 6 T in the horizontal plane along the beam direction, with a sweep rate of 2 T/minute, and 2 T in the horizontal plane perpendicular to the X-ray beam and in the vertical plane, with a sweep rate of 0.6 T/minute. Simultaneous operation of the three coils will allow you to cover a sphere of 2 T, with a sweep rate of 0.4 T/minute.
The system is equipped with a 3-chamber sample preparation/insertion set-up for fast sample exchange, enabling to load up to 4 samples at a time. The preparation chamber below the the magnet is equipped with standard surface preparation tools: a cleaver, a scraper, MBE-evaporators for metals and organic molecules, an e-beam heating stage and an ion sputtering gun.