
Select the most appropriate analytical tool according to your needs. You can do it either clicking over the ALBA layout, choosing by technique, sector or energy range.


Experimental facilities where the synchrotron light emitted by the electrons impacts the sample to be analyzed. ALBA has 13 beamlines and 1 more under construction, working in a wide variety of scientific fields.

Electron Microscopes

ALBA hosts the Joint Electron Microscopy Center at ALBA (JEMCA) that houses two state-of-the-art electron microscopes and the In Situ Correlative Facility for Advanced Energy Materials (InCAEM).


A series of laboratories open to users complete the technological offer of the infrastructure: Battery, Chemistry, Biology, Material Science and High Pressure. Laboratories for internal use and collaborations: Optics & Metrology, RF, Magnetic Measurements, Survey & Alignment, Vacuum & Cryogenics, Electronics and Mechanical Workshop.


The accelerator complex is the responsible to provide beam to the beamlines. It consists of a linear accelerator, a booster synchrotron and a storage ring. Here you can find all the technical information about the accelerators equipment: magnets, insertion devices, RF systems, front ends and diagnostics. Information on operations calendar and machine status too.