Design and construction of the phase-III beamline XAIRA
XAIRA is a microfocus beamline for macromolecular crystallography that will contribute to a better understanding of complex biological systems, with academic and industrial applications. The beamline is planned to be ready for first official experiments a the end of 2024.
Further information and technical details
Improvement of phase-I infrastructures (NCD beamline and Booster)
This project includes the acquisition of a new detector for NCD beamline, devoted to non-crystalline diffraction, and the optimization of the reliability of the Booster injector, which both will improve the performance of the facility. This project is ready since December 2019.
Design and construction of the phase-III beamline NOTOS
NOTOS offers X-ray diffraction and absorption techniques, while providing an additional tool for instrumentation development and testing. The project include optics design, acquisition of front end, optical and mechanical components, vacuum elements, end station (including diffraction and absorption), electronics and cabling, computer and control systems, radioprotection shielding and system and control hutch. The beamline was ready for first official experiments in 2022.
Further information and technical details
Update of the data management infrastructure
This project was aimed at upgrading the data management infrastructure of ALBA, including storage and transmission of data to face the new demands of data storing and management for current and new beamlines. The project is to be finish at the end of 2021.
Radiofrequency systems prototypes
The aim of this project was to build two prototypes to improve the radiofrequency systems of ALBA accelerators. One is a 3rd harmonic cavity (a resonant radiofrequency cavity that enables operation at 1.5 GHz) and the other one is a power amplifier system that works at the same frequency. Both devices will be developed in collaboration with industry, promoting innovation and technology transfer. The main results of this new technology will be a better stability and lifetime of the beam, obtaining more efficient use of the components. The project is to be finish at the end of 2020.
Improvements in the reliability of the radiofrequency (RF) transmitters used by the ALBA accelerator rings
This project includes two actions: to replace the present inductive output tubes (IOT) in all RF stations of the Storage Ring and to replace the present systems to generate RF waves by an alternative technology, based on solid state components (solid state amplifiers, SSA) in the booster transmitter. The aim is to improve the system's reliability and make it more sustainable in the long term, as RF is a particularly critical subsystem and its stability and reliability are key to the correct operation of accelerators. The project was ready on December 2019.
Transversal electronics equipment and cabling systems for new and operational beamlines
The aim of this project is to develop and install the needed standard electronics devices and cabling systems for new beamlines under construction as well as for updates of existing beamlines in order to optimise its performances. The project will be finished by December 2023.
Transversal standard vacuum technology and equipment for new and operational beamlines
This project includes the acquisition of new vacuum technology and equipment to obtain and keep the appropriate level of pressure inside the vacuum chambers where electron beams and synchrotron light beams are generated. The type of needed material is composed by pumps, valves, probes and other standard devices that will be installed in the new beamlines under construction as well as will be replaced in some of the operational beamlines in order to guarantee and optimal performance. The project will be completed by December 2023.
Construction of the phase-II beamline LOREA
LOREA will be devoted to angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), a technique that offers cutting-edge possibilities in the area of condensed matter, in particular for the study of advanced materials, such as graphene, high-temperature superconductors or topological materials. The project will be finished on June 2022.
Construction of the phase-III beamline FAXTOR
FAXTOR will be a fast X-ray tomography and radioscopy beamline that will offer new analytical capabilities in the area of life sciences, materials science, geology, agri-food, cultural heritage and paleontology, among others. The project will be finished on October 2023.
Implementing upgrades at different beamlines and subsystems of ALBA
In order to complement and optimize the performance of some of the beamlines in operation, several upgrades are being done: the cryogenic installation for liquid nityrogen supply to the beamlines and the installation of a new system for recovery and liquefaction of helium; the procurement of an electroerosion machine to complement the internal manufacturing capabilities for mechanical components that are necessary for the continuous development of accelerators and beamlines; electron orbit corrector systems in the storage ring, with their power supplies; optical systems for wavelength selection (gratings) and focusing at beamline BL09-MISTRAL; the implementation of improvements in beamline BL11-NCD-SWEET, beamline BL22-CLAESS and new X-ray fluorescence detector for beamline BL29-BOREAS. The project will be finished on December 2023.