Sincrotrón ALBA

Guillaume Desaché (General Director, CryoConcept -Air Liquide company) & Roundtable
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Some qubits (Josephson, CMOS...) require ultra-low temperature as low as 10mK to operate. For those, current cryogenic capacity might become a real bottleneck as the number of qubits increase. What are the solutions that could be developped to overcome those limitations? Operating quantum data centers will also require to think well ahead in order to make cryogenic constraints compatible with users needs.
Guillaume Desaché is general manager for Cryoconcept. Previously an R&D engineer at Air Liquide, he pushed a strategic initiative for Air Liquide to adress the quantum computing market.
Rountable after the talk
About ALBA II Colloquium
The series ALBA II Colloquium, addressed to the scientific user's community of synchrotron radiation, is aimed at inspiring and promoting fruitful ideas and information exchange about the future development of ALBA II facility.