Sincrotrón ALBA
67th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future Light Sources
Información de contacto
In the spirit of the FLS workshop series, FLS 2023 will bring together international scientists to exchange ideas and discuss best practices in accelerator based light sources, their new development trends and related key technologies.
The workshop program consists of plenary talks, working group sessions and poster sessions. The working groups include linac-based light sources, ring-based light sources, compact light sources and key technologies. The draft program is available. The topics of the sessions will be updated in the coming weeks.
Furthermore, FLS 2023 will be hosting specialist companies during the industrial exhibition from Sunday, 27 to Wednesday, 30 August 2023, providing opportunities for the latest technologies to be presented, and further fostering networking and the exchange of information between delegates and exhibitors.
The workshop will be held in person.