Sincrotrón ALBA

Información de contacto
Jordi Juanhuix
MXCuBE project
started in 2005 at ESRF, with the
objective of providing crystallography beamlines users an easy-to-use software platform to run their experiments
. In 2010, a collaboration agreement was signed for the development of MXCuBE between the major synchrotron facilities in Europe.
Today MXCuBE is actively supported by the following partners: ESRF, Soleil, MAX IV, HZB, EMBL, Global Phasing Ltd, DESY and ALBA
. MXCuBE meetings are being held periodically every 6 months to actively follow up and further progress the collaboration. After the previous successful meetings (last two in June 2015 at HZB-Berlin and December 2014 at MaxIV-Lund), we have the occasion to
meet at Alba-Barcelona in 30th November-1st December 2015.
The ISPyB meeting will be held the following day, 2nd December, on the same premises.