Sincrotrón ALBA
Dr. Jens Viefhaus (DESY Photon Science)
Since 2013 the XUV Beamline P04 is serving soft x-rays to the users at PETRA III (DESY/Hamburg). The beamline covers a very broad energy range (250-3000 eV) with high photon flux (>10E+12 ph./s) and simultaneously high resolution (>10000 resolving power and down to 10 µm spot size on the sample). Thanks to the 5 m long APPLE-2-type undulator in combination with the 6 GeV PETRA III storage ring the first harmonic delivers also a high degree of circular polarization over the whole photon energy range.
Besides experimental results ranging from high resolution ion spectroscopy to time-resolved microscopy of magnetic samples I will also report on the diagnostic unit which we have developed in order to verify all relevant photon properties of the beamline. As the device is based on time-of-flight electron spectroscopy it is also useful for the characterisation of free electron laser radiation.
Results from different SR and FEL sources will be discussed.