Sincrotrón ALBA
Información de contacto
Salvador Ferrer
9:00 Welcome. S. Ferrer
9:05-9:35 Overview of CIN2 activities. Pablo Ordejon
9:40-10:10 Overview of ICMAB theory group. Enric Canadell
10:15-10:35 Development of first-principles simulation methods, and applications (mainly in structural and electronic properties.
Alberto García
10:40-11:00 Thermal transport from first principles simulations. Sergio Illera
11:00-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-11:40 Nanoscale thermal transport: fundamental understanding of heat propagation in nanostructures and phononics applications.
Riccardo Rurali
11:45-12:00 Manganite surfaces and 2D materials. Miguel Pruneda
12:10-12:30 The role of relativistic effects on magnetic materials. Ramón Cuadrado
12:35-12:55 Magnetic properties of supported molecules. Roberto Robles
13:00-13:30 Round table and discussion. Special topic: femtosecond dynamics in condensed matter systems
13:30 End of workshop