ALBA Synchrotron
Mechanical Project Engineer at Technical Office |
Section: Transversal, Engineering Division |
Academic background: Industrial Engineering |
Other jobs: Website design |
In ALBA since: 2013 |
What is your job at ALBA?
I am a Project Engineer of two beamlines. Basically, scientists ask me to turn an idea into a mechanical or electromechanical device. This process comprises all equipment project phases: from initial specifications to final construction, commissioning and delivery of an already working system.
Designing is a collaborative process. First of all, I develop a conceptual mechanical design that not only tries to fulfil the scientist’s requirements but also ensures its integration in the beamline. Then, I discuss with the scientist this design and its financial feasibility. Sometimes, this step requires different iterations until we come to an agreement with each other. Right after I create a detailed set of layout and production drawings, which will be sent to the mechanical workshop. My last task is the production follow-up, which includes assembly, installation, test and commissioning of the designed equipment and components.
What do you enjoy the most about your job at ALBA?
There are mainly three things. Firstly, I am involved in all stages of the design process: from the initial design, through drawing up the plans, until its assembly and tests. Secondly, I usually design prototypes, so it’s quite challenging. Finally, my job integrates many disciplines (i.e. vacuum, electronics, cryogenics, etc), so it is very global.
Any exciting projects you are involved in?
I am now starting the design of a sample holder heater. This device has to heat samples up to 1200°C, but also has to withstand very low temperatures. In addition, not only it needs to resist high-vacuum levels, but also high pressures. So, there are many constraints in terms of materials besides the dimensional ones, since it has to be compact. I think this is a challenging project.
What was your perception of ALBA before working for it?
I saw it as a seemingly inaccessible place. It was a very new, state-of-the-art facility. But I joined as a grant holder to develop my final degree project and I enjoyed the experience.
Any differences with previous jobs?
My professional work, the one related to the degree I studied, has always been in the university environment. Both in ALBA and in the university, people work in an atmosphere of cooperation that focus on research, aiming for quality rather than quantity.
Do you collaborate with other research institutions?
The last collaboration was with the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) since they run some experiments in one of the beamlines I work for. On the other hand, the devices we design are also used by users coming from other synchrotrons, but this kind of collaboration is not so close.
Which are your hobbies?
I practice different sports. I do sailing and windsurfing, but I also like salsa and trekking. Playing music is another of my hobbies.
Modification date: 07/16/2024