ALBA Synchrotron
by Massimo Tallarida, LOREA Beamline responsible
ALBA Synchrotron
- BL20 - LOREA
This talk aims to give an introduction to ARPES, the technique which will be used in the LOREA beamline, the ninth beamline of ALBA, in construction. It will be explained the way ARPES works and what kind of information can be obtained with this technique. Some basic concepts of solid state physics will be used to explain the fundamentals of the technique and the speaker will give some practical examples of experiments that can be performed. The talk is mostly intended for non-specialists and everybody keen to know why the LOREA beamline is being constructed at ALBA.
Talk in English.
ALBA Talks - Internal seminars
Based on the previous series of internal seminars, that were performed between 2012-2013, a new cycle of seminars is addressed to all staff.
The aim of the project is to share knowledge about the activities carried out by the different divisions in the ALBA Synchrotron as well to improve the scientific culture of all the members of the staff.
Seminars will be held on Fridays at 12:00 h, lasting each of them less than one hour.