ALBA Synchrotron

Toni Pou, physicist and scientific journalist
This year 2018 we celebrate the centenary of Richard P. Feynman. As Jorge Wagensberg said, Feynman is at least the second most important physicist of the 20th century. His life is full of great quality science and originality, but also of vital anecdotes impregnated with humor, which convey a way of understanding and living life based on passion and an indisputable desire for fun. In the talk we will review these aspects of his life.
The organizers of the Feynman Year are the group EspaiNANO, from the Catalan Association of Scientific Communication (ACCC), which have created, in which all the organized events can be found. The Feynam UAB Talks receive the collaboration of the ICMAB, the ICN2, the CEHIC, the UAB, the US Consulate in Barcelona, the IMB-CNM and the ALBA Synchrotron.
Talk in Catalan. Slides in English.
ALBA Talks - Internal seminars
Based on the previous series of internal seminars, that were performed between 2012-2013, a new cycle of seminars is addressed to all staff.
The aim of the project is to share knowledge about the activities carried out by the different divisions in the ALBA Synchrotron as well to improve the scientific culture of all the members of the staff.
Seminars will be held on Fridays at 12:00 h, lasting each of them less than one hour.