Dr. Ivan MAGGIO-APRILE. Department of Quantum Matter Physics. University of Geneva, Switzerland


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Juan Carlos Gonzalez



The problem of high-temperature superconductivity (HTS) remains just as fascinating and mysterious as it was at the time of its discovery, and the experimental activity on high-temperature superconductors is still intense. Among the various techniques used to investigate these exceptional materials, scanning tunneling spectroscopy has proven to be particularly well adapted with its ability to probe the electronic density of states at the local scale. With the data getting more and more accurate, tunnelling spectra of HTS cuprates are revealing a number of unexpected features, like broad humps at energies above the superconducting gap or states lying close to the Fermi level. Understanding the microscopic origin of these systematic features is expected to provide additional keys towards a better knowledge of high temperature superconductivity. 

A coffee break will be offered at 11.45 am