ALBA Synchrotron
A five weeks course coordinated by the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).
Deadline to register is 6th October 2024
The school provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutrons, X-ray Synchrotron Radiation, and Free Electron Laser for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications). Neutron and X-ray science is integrated with complementary techniques like (but not only) optical and electron microscopy, NMR, optical spectroscopy.
It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities: ALBA in Barcelona, KIT in Karlsruhe, Petra III and European XFEL in Hamburg, Elettra and FERMI in Trieste, ESRF and ILL in Grenoble, SOLEIL in Paris-Saclay, and PSI in Villigen.
The language of the course is English.