ALBA Synchrotron
Hamamatsu Photonics
Contact info
Igors Sics
Marie Sklowdowska Curie Room
ALBA Synchrotron
On behalf of Hamamatsu Photonics, we are pleased to extend an invitation to scientists and engineers at ALBA to a product presentation focused on our latest developments in photodetectors and photoemitters used in Synchrotron Applications. The goal for the presentation is to introduce product families of Hamamatsu Photonics that are currently used in other Synchrotron facilities in applications such as electron bunch monitoring, X-ray tomography, X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy or the like.
The product families that will be introduced will be from Single-Point photodetectors to Scientific Cameras with photon-counting capabilities passing through MCPs (Micro-Channel Plates), Flow Cell design capabilities, Scintillators, Photomultiplier Tube Modules, Laser Driven Light Sources (LDLS) and EUV Lightsources.
Please Join us to discuss your future needs for the 4th Gen. Synchrotron Instrumentation!