ALBA Synchrotron

Caterina Biscari, director of the facility, collected the award in a ceremony held the 29th of November at Fira Sabadell, with the attendance of companies from the Vallès area.
The Chamber of Commerce of Sabadell, founded in 1886, represents and promotes the interests of companies in the Vallès area and offers different services to assist them. Every year, they organise an award distinction to highlight the most relevant personalities.
In the 41th edition of these awards, the ALBA Synchrotron has been chosen as 'Best Institution'. Caterina Biscari, director of the ALBA Synchrotron, was in charge of receiving the award. During her speech, she remarked that "companies can find at ALBA great opportunities to innovate and improve their products, having already impact on the territory with several industrial users from the area". She also mentioned that this recognition was particularly important as it was coming directly from the companies, which shows the links established between ALBA and them. Finally, she also wanted to stress that the award acknowledges the work done by the ALBA staff working with industries (like the members of the Industrial Liaison Office, the beamline scientists or the engineers involved in transfer technology projects). All these groups were represented in the event by Alejandro Sánchez, head of the ALBA Industrial Liaison Office.
Alstom Transporte and Miquel Martí from Moventia were also recognized during the ceremony.
Above, the mayor of Cerdanyola del Vallès, Carlos Cordón, and the councilor for Industry, Cristina Padilla, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Sabadell, Ramon Alberich, and Caterina Biscari. Below, group picture with the awarded institutions and authorities. Pictures by Ajuntament de Cerdanyola (N. Puentes).