ALBA Synchrotron

From 26 to 30 September 2022 the LEEM-PEEM Conference will be held in Cordoba (Spain), counting with the collaboration of different ALBA staff members, as well as some of its users. LEEM-PEEM is a biennial meeting that reviews the state of the art of surface microscopy using low energy electrons.
Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona), 19th September, 2022.
The ALBA Synchrotron actively participates in the conference meeting, being one of the main sponsors and with Lucía Aballe, ALBA scientist, chair of the conference. Michael Foerster and Miguel Ángel Niño, from the CIRCE-PEEM beamline, are also members of the organizing committee of the event in Córdoba.
CIRCE PhD student Muhammad Waqas Khaliq, who is scheduled to give a talk, "Imagine of Magneto-acoustic Waves at GHz Frequency", on the fourth day of the conference, will also participate. He is also presenting the poster "High Frequency Sample Excitation at the ALBA-PEEM". Several ALBA users will also hold talks about their work performed at the CIRCE PEEM, such as Irene Palacio (ICMM-CSIC), Cristina Bran (ICMM-CSIC), Jorge Trasobares (IMDEA Nanociencia), Miguel A. Cascales (University of Glasgow), Anna Mandziak (Solaris Synchrotron) and Sandra Ruiz-Gómez (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids).