In collaboration with CDTI and Induciencia, the ALBA Synchrotron has organized a workshop at its facilities for companies who are specialised in scientific-technical equipment to inform them about the investment opportunities of the facility in the coming years.

The ALBA II project is the upgrade process of the ALBA Synchrotron to become a 4th generation facility. It implies a great development of new accelerator systems, as well as the construction of new beamlines and the adaptation of the current ones. This is why ALBA II is a good opportunity for the science industry. Specifically, in areas such as magnets, diagnostic systems, radiofrequency, X-ray optics, vacuum and cryogenics or mechanical, electronic or IT engineering.

To inform the companies specialised in the development of scientific and technical instrumentation, a workshop has been organized at the ALBA Synchrotron last 24th of May 2022. During the event, attendants have been able to learn in detail about the ALBA upgrade project, visit the facilities and hold b2b meetings with staff involved in these investments.

The event has been organised in collaboration with the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and Induciencia, the Spanish technology platform for the science industry. More than 50 people from more than 40 different companies from all over Spain have participated. More than 100 b2b meetings have been organized between companies and ALBA staff, related to the areas mentioned above and to the CDTI funding tools, in order to directly exchange information on the respective needs and capabilities.

During the welcome, Caterina Biscari, director of the ALBA Synchrotron, assured that the start-up of ALBA II will generate great opportunities for the industry and also highlighted that "the rest of the synchrotrons in Europe and worldwide are currently facing these upgrade processes, which represents a new business". Juan Carlos Cortés, Director of Space and Large Facilities and Dual Programs of the CDTI, highlighted the role of large research infrastructures (ICTS) as catalysts for the science industry. Erik Fernández from Induciencia underlined the success of the event, in which more than 100 b2b meetings between companies and ALBA technical staff were scheduled.

Afterwards, technical talks were held by Alejandro Sánchez on the services and usefulness of ALBA for the industry, by Josep Nicolàs on the new beamlines to be built at ALBA, and by Francis Pérez on the development of new ALBA II accelerators. The event continued with the b2b meetings and visits to the facilities began in parallel, combined with the networking lunch among the participants.