ALBA Synchrotron

In the 18th LEAPS General Assembly, held in Barcelona on the 26th of November, Caterina Biscari handed the symbolic LEAPS baton over Lenny Rivkin, Deputy Director of the Paul Scherrer Institut (CH), who will be the new LEAPS chair as of January 1st 2022.
The symbolic hand-over of the LEAPS Chair for 2022 from Caterina Biscari, ALBA, to Leonid (Lenny) Rivkin, PSI.
"The links which were existing among our facilities two years ago, when I was handled the LEAPS chairmanship, have favored the capacity of our community to profitably react to the pandemic which has changed our world. Sharing experiences and best practices, building-up solutions, learning from difficulties, opening to other communities, has made our links stronger", commented Caterina Biscari, director of ALBA and LEAPS chair during 2020 and 2021.
"I look forward to an exciting year of activities and new projects that will strengthen the collaboration even more", says Lenny Rivkin, new Chair of LEAPS.
"It is a privilege to be part of LEAPS, which is an essential player in the responsibility we have towards the future generations for a sustainable and enjoyable world", added Biscari.
4th LEAPS Plenary Meeting
The 4th LEAPS Plenary Meeting, organised on-line on the 21st and 22nd of October 2021, offered an exciting agenda to share the latest of the LEAPS collaboration. The meeting focused on the new LEAPS strategy and LEAPS contribution to the new European Research Area, aspects which were discussed with participants from the EC as well as partner projects like ExPaNDS and PaNoSC.
An update was given on LEAPS pilot project LEAPS-INNOV as well as on several other proposals, which are in the pipeline. A session was dedicated to DIGITAL LEAPS , triggered by the wish to increasing the resilience to times of crisis.
LEAPS IDEA, the taskforce dedicated to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-discrimination was also present with the newly published
of the various LEAPS member facilities.