Accelerator science and technology has considerably grown in Spain in the last years, resulting in the development of national facilities, like the ALBA synchrotron, and in key contributions to the main international collaborations, like CERN, ILC, IFMIF, or XFEL. ALBA has hosted the first meeting of Spanish experts on accelerators.

Spanish experts on accelerator science and technology have met for the first time at the ALBA Synchrotron. The aim of the meeting is to create a work group to increase and improve the coordination among all the Spanish researchers dealing with accelerators.

Experts on accelerator science and technology cover a wide variety of activities, dimensions and profiles, ranging from university research to the design and commissioning of different types of accelerators, such as colliders, synchrotron light sources or cyclotrons.

Participants of this meeting are:

•    CIEMAT Accelerator Group
•    CMAM. Centro de Microanálisis de Materiales-UAM
•    CNA. Centro Nacional de Aceleradores- Universidad de Sevilla
•    ESS-Bilbao
•    IFIC Accelerator Group, Universitat de València and CSIC
•    Institut de Tècniques Energètiques- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
•    LRF. Linac Research Facility – Universidad de Huelva