Manuel Vázquez, from the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (CSIC), is the 1.000th researcher using ALBA’s facility. He and his team will analyse magnetic nanowires at CIRCE beamline.

Since May 2012 – when the first ALBA official user came – the ALBA Synchrotron has received 1.000 researchers to perform experiments at its beamlines. Most of them come from Spanish institutions (76%), followed by other European countries (22,5 %) and even from other foreign countries (1,5%).

The 1.000th ALBA user, Manuel Vázquez, and his colleagues from the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (CSIC) and University of Barcelona (UB) will study the magnetic properties of nanowires to determine the spin configuration. This experiment is being performed at CIRCE beamline, devoted to photoemission. The results of this research may have an impact on information storage devices, increasing information density of magnetic memories, for example. 

“Achieving the 1.000th user means that our facility is working properly and that it has met the expectations”, in words of Caterina Biscari, director of ALBA.