Numner of visitors

The visit can be attended by a maximum of 25 people (50 in case of a double group).

Number of visits per year

No more than one booked visit is allowed per year.

No waiting areas

There are no waiting rooms available at ALBA for visitors where to stay before or after the visit, such as auditorium, picnic areas or cafeteria. We apologize for the inconvenience and take this circumstance into account when organizing your visit.


You must arrive at the building 10 minutes before the time of your visit to start the registration at the control access.

There is no need to arrive much earlier, since the security staff will not authorize your access before the visit time and you will have to wait outside the facility.

ID document

To access ALBA, you must bring and show your DNI, NIE or passport at the entrance of the building (the same document that has been previously provided in the list of attendees). A photocopy or other document will not be valid.