EMERGENCY(+34) 93 592 4499
ALBA Safety On Call(+34) 669 267 003

Floor coordinators

Floor coordinators are on duty on afternoon and night shifts of week days, and for the three day shifts on weekends and public holidays, only on BL days.
Weekdays: 15:00 h - 07:00 h next day
Weekends & public holidays: 00:00 - 24:00
The main tasks of the Floor Coordinators is to provide immediate support to beamlines, before contacting the Local Contact (if not present) or any On Call service. Please address to FCs. FC will patrol around regularly.
Fixed phone / Control Room: 4401. Wifi phone: 5401
Cell phone: 608 018 721 (if others fail)
Email: floorcoordinators@cells.es