ALBA Synchrotron

Accompanied by the General Director for Research, the Minister (Consellera) for Research and Universities from the Generalitat de Catalunya has visited today the ALBA Synchrotron, where she also held a meeting with the director, the manager and the honorary president of ALBA.
At the left, the group visiting the newest ALBA beamline, LOREA, where user Aitor Mugarza from ICN2 is doing an experiment. At the right, Gemma Geis, Joan Gómez Pallarés and Caterina Biscari at the experimental hall.
At the left, inside the MSPD beamline hutch with scientist Alexander Missiul. At the right, Gemma Geis and Joan Gómez Pallarés at the CIRCE beamline, where scientists from the University of Sheffield are doing an experiment about nanowires.
Cerdanyola del Vallès, 16th of February 2022
. Gemma Geis, Consellera for Research and Universities from the Generalitat de Catalunya has visited today the ALBA Synchrotron premises.
Accompanied by its director, Caterina Biscari, and other members from the ALBA's management, she has been able to know in depth how ALBA works and what experimental applications has. During her visit, she could make a stop at different beamlines, where the ALBA scientists and users themselves explained the experiments that were being carried out: advanced materials, magnetism, biomedical applications such as protein resolution in 3D or imaging cells affected by Covid-19. She has also been able to see one of the recently installed electron microscopes at ALBA, which is part of a .
After the visit, a working meeting took place between the Consellera Gemma Geis, the Director General for Research, Joan Gómez Pallarés, the manager of the ALBA Synchrotron, Edgar Aigner, the honorary president, Ramon Pascual, and the director of the ALBA Synchrotron, Caterina Biscari. During the meeting, they could exchange ideas on important future projects for ALBA such as the construction of the next beamline or the progress of the ALBA II upgrade project.
According to Gemma Geis, the ALBA Synchrotron "is a scientific infrastructure that highlights the research carried out in Catalonia in the worldwide map".