1. Schedule your experiment

Once a proposal is approved, the beamline scientist will contact the main proposer to schedule the experiment and register the users that will attend the experiment.

Please provide participants' names and emails as early as possible, and identify funded and non-funded users:

  • For Spanish institutions and academic research, you may specify up to 3 funded users per experiment.
  • For non-Spanish institutions, contact User Office to know if there is any funding program running at present.

This information shall be provided at least 5 weeks before your experiment starts so we can complete the required administrative paperwork and arrange for each user to have physical access to ALBA. Once your experiment is scheduled and we receive the list of funded and non-funded users, ALBA User Office will send user invitations to experiment to each participant with links to travel and accommodation forms and Safety links to Safety Declaration (individual to each user), Safety Training (individual to each user) and to your User Declaration online form (common link to all users in the experiment where samples must be confirmed or new samples/equipment should be declared if necessary).

2. Sign your User Declaration

All users attending an experiment must fill in the corresponding online User Declaration before the Main Proposer can actually sign and submit it. This form is mandatory in order to access the ALBA facility and Groups failing to submit their User Declaration on time (at least 15 days before the experiment in case new samples are declared) will be denied access to the ALBA facility.

Users attending the experiment shall:

  1. Specify arrival and departure dates to allow them personal access to ALBA facility.
  2. Any Safety additional information of new samples, if necessary.

Projects with biological samples should attach a Biosafety Declaration that specifies the related hazards and be signed by the main proposer. This declaration is MANDATORY for protein crystals and all biological samples.

Please attach the requested information about samples, equipment or processes not declared in the proposal. These attachments will be validated by the ALBA Safety Office.

According to ALBA Safety Policy, from January 2022 all of you that bring to ALBA your own laser device should:

  1. Upload in the experiment proposal at last an official Laser training certificate from one of the users that will be present during the experiment as a responsible of its manipulation. Only Users with an official laser training delivered to ALBA will be authorized to use it in our facilities.
  2. Declare of lasers type ( for instance : 3R, 3B or 4, please, indicate the laser type of your device) according with the European standards: UNE EN 60825-1 «Safety of laser products. Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and safety guide »1996.Modified by: UNE EN 60825-1 / Al 1: 1997 and with the complement UNE EN 60825-1 / A2: 2002
  3. Attach to the proposal all relevant technical data of the laser (power, wavelength, pulse, etc.)by means of the technical documentation of the equipment.
  4. Attach to the proposal CE mark and Conformity declaration of the laser device.
  5. Declare in the proposal the laser setup in the beamline and any element added. Please describe with a diagram.
  6. In the meantime, you can accredit your experience and/or knowledge, through a declaration of your home institute:

Please submit the User Declaration as soon as possible and at least 15 days before the experiment (in case of declaring new samples), so ALBA Safety Office has enough time to review, request additional information if necessary and approve it.

3. Provide a Safety Declaration

Upload a Safety Declaration filled in with the user name and signed by the Safety Representative of the user's home institution. This declaration will be valid for one user and for any experiment the user will attend at CELLS during one year. In the case of a change of home institute, a user will need to upload a new Safety Declaration.

4. Get your Safety Training Certificate online

All ALBA users are required to go through an ALBA Safety Training course. This training will be valid for one year and will be required for all users taking part in any experiment. Users will not be granted access to the ALBA facility until they have passed this exam. Please take the training and the examination online before coming to ALBA.

5. Schedule your Personal Safety Course

Users cannot operate BL04-MSPD, BL11-NCD-SWEET, BL13-XALOC, and BL22-CLAESS until an additional personal safety course has been provided in person by your local contact at the beamline.

Please, schedule this personal safety course with your local contact during local contact hours. Users that have not gone through a personal safety course given by the local contact cannot operate the beamline. As in the case of the general safety online course, this training is valid for one year.

6. Waste management at ALBA

All waste generated in ALBA must be declared through legal procedures and managed by external companies. To make easier the process, before arriving at ALBA please follow these steps:

  1. Choose the specific group for the waste: G1 to G14. Depending on the group, a waste label will be assigned for the product and Infrastructures section will deliver it.
    Waste classification document
  2. Depending on the volume, choose the best container.
    Container document
  3. Send this information to your local contact before your arrival, and the specific container properly labelled will be ready to manage your waste.
7. Shipping samples and equipment to ALBA

Useful information to send your samples and equipment to ALBA

Users have to meet the costs of sending their samples to ALBA and are responsible for doing all the paperwork involved in their shipments, including documents related to biosafety in the case of biological samples. Please note that each country has its own specific regulations on these issues and we advise you to look for information well in advance of the date of your experiment. Normally, your home institution will be able to advise you on these issues.

Independently of the safety paperwork required for the shipment of your samples, your proposal must fulfill ALBA safety requirements and, in the case of proposals with biological samples, a Biosafety Declaration is also required (See section 2 above).

Users must inform their local contact about the date of reception of the samples. Dewars should be sent at least 3 days before starting the experiment.

8. Arriving at ALBA

The day of your arrival

  • Remember to bring your Spanish DNI or passport and present it to the ALBA User Office.
  • Get your Welcome Kit with practical information about meals and transportation from the ALBA User Office.
  • Check the safety recommendation and procedures for your particular experiment with your local contact.
  • Get your Personal Safety Training with your local contact, if applicable.

After your experiment

  • Please return your access badge to Security at the entrance to the ALBA facility.
  • Remember to submit the experimental report through your account in the ALBA User Office Portal
  • Remember to submit your publications through your account in the ALBA User Office Portal, acknowledging the corresponding ALBA beamline.